Rome’s water supply has been piped into the city from the countryside for centuries via ancient aqueducts. The water is crisp, clean and fresh. The city of Rome makes this great water free and available to everyone with the many public fountains located throughout the city. In a time where it is the norm to pay upwards of €1 (in many cases more … much more) for a regular size bottle of water, it is refreshing (no pun intended 🙂 to find the sought after product for the low, low price of free. It is so nice to be able to stop and fill up my water bottle with cool, fresh water when out and about in the city. This is something I am thankful for on a regular basis, especially on warm, sunny days.
Not to mention, the fountains are beautiful. They are all so different and unique, and it’s always fun to stumble across a new fountain. I have included photos of several different fountains I’ve come across throughout the city. Keep in mind, it’s just a small sampling of the many fountains Bella Roma has to offer.
Fountain in Villa Borghese Park

Fountain in Piazza Venezia

Fountain in Largo Argentina

Fountain near Piazza Campodolgio

Neighborhood fountain in Montesacro

A belated Buon Compleanno. Calling by from La Dolce Vita post as another participant. There are certainly plenty of fountains in Roma for you to get drinking water from.
If you hadn’t of shared this I most likely would never have had a drink from one of them. But now that you have posted this information I would be bellying up to each one I saw. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the birthday wishes, LindyLou!
Annie, they are great for washing washing off after eating gelato too. I always make a mess, and the fountains keep me from being sticky all day. 🙂