I’m a Mom to a little Italian furry baby. He’s a little cat named Dolce who stole my heart from his first tiny meow. His name means “sweet” in Italian, and it fits him perfectly.
I grew up living with pets and I’ve always had a soft spot for animals, but I resisted getting a pet after I moved from the U.S. to Rome, Italy. I didn’t think a pet would fit well with my travel lifestyle. That all changed the day Dolce showed up.
Thankfully, Dolce immediately adapted to a life of travel. I take him everywhere with me. He even has a European Union passport. Seriously. (Oh, the things I have learned being a cat mom.)
He has traveled by planes, trains, cars and boats. He’s been to numerous places in Italy, as well as to more than a handful of other countries. Just this year he’s traveled to France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. He seems to enjoy his adventures, and I’m constantly amazed by him.

Here is Dolce riding the night train on our recent trip to Prague. Lounging in bed, watching trains go by and checking out locals in a stopover station in Germany … just a typical cat day. Haha!
Although traveling with your pet can be a little challenging, you can make things a lot easier with just a little thought and advanced planning.
Check out my article in the latest edition of Girl Gone International’s E-Magazine for 10 Stress Busting Tips for Traveling with Your Pet. (Bonus: You’ll get to see adorable photos of my little guy on some of his travel trips.) Just click on the magazine cover below and jump to page 44.
What about you? Do you travel with your pet?